Lynn Counsell
During Lockdown1 I had to shield and felt frustrated I couldn't be in school with my colleagues. Due to health issues I had already had to reduce my work day and I'm not very good at doing nothing. Whilst shielding I became a NHS responder with call and check and thoroughly enjoyed chatting to people, finding out about thier lives and being a sounding board when they wanted to have a rant. When that came to a natural end and I was once again out and about I still wanted to volunteer and some good friends pointed me in the direction of St Mag's foodbank.
I have volunteered at the foodbank for four months now and feel very motivated by the work being done to support the community. It is a shame that a global pandemic has made people review their attitudes to community, but it is heartening to see how they have come together to support those who have struggled, either individuals or schools.