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Restorative Training for Portsmouth Churches

Being held at St Mag's 

Saturday 14th September 2024 - 9.00am -4.30pm. 



 Restorative Training Day, which will be delivered by John Swindell. Restorative Practise teaches people relational skills, which strengthens relationships and equips people with the skills to positively handle conflict. Restorative Practise follows the biblical mandate of ‘peace and reconciliation’. 


These restorative skills will be beneficial to the whole church and for anymore in a leadership role, this will provide them with a restorative approach to leading which has maximum impact but with the minimum stress.  


Portsmouth Mediation Service (PMS) seek to make Portsmouth a Restorative City! Where communities have stronger relationships. We are working towards setting up community hubs across Portsmouth. Each hub will have a team of people restoratively trained to help people experiencing conflict. They will be there to listen, to help people voice their thoughts/feelings, to help people find a way forward and to restore relationships where possible.  


This training day provides a great opportunity for churches to partner up with the Community Hubs vision. We would love for churches to be the first port of call, for someone seeking help to deal with conflict. Churches are known for helping to meet people’s physical needs through food banks, pantries and meals. How great it would be for churches to be known for their peace and reconciliation skills!!  


Coming to this training doesn’t commit you or your church to anything. However, we believe it will positively change the way you individually approach relationships and conflict. But if after doing the training you would like to speak to PMS about implementing your restorative skills in your church/group and/or setting up a Community Hub please don’t hesitate to contact PMS, we would love to help you to do this.  


This training has been funded by ‘Love Portsmouth’ so there are no costs to you. But to secure a place and to ensure we provide enough food and refreshment’s, please book your space by



We hope you and your congregation can join us. As well as churches learning together, we will get to know each other more, eat, drink and prayer together! 


Thank you for your time.  


Laura Rook 

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